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the interest deduction中文是什么意思

用"the interest deduction"造句"the interest deduction"怎么读"the interest deduction" in a sentence


  • 利息扣除


  • Be regarded as having been allowed the deduction if his assessable income is less than his personal allowances ( that is , he is exempt from tax even if the interest deduction is not granted ) and his home loan interest is not transferred to the spouse
    任何人士的应评税入息如少于他的个人免税额(即纵使没有获利息扣除,他仍毋须缴税) ,而他所缴付的利息亦没有转拨给其配偶,则他将不会被视为已获利息扣除。
  • A person , who has claimed for the deduction , will not be regarded as having been allowed the deduction if his assessable income is less than his personal allowances that is , he is exempt from tax even if the interest deduction is not granted and his home loan interest is not transferred to the spouse
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